Reactive Repairs Service – Changes To Our Repairs Service
Our contractor, Rodgers & Johnston (R&J), are continuing to provide a repairs service, however, we have taken the decision to limit this to EMERGENCY repairs only. Please be aware that this might alter if their staffing levels reduce due to the continuing spread of the Covid-19 virus.
Our Gas Heating Contractor Saltire Gas are still carrying out GAS SERVICING, URGENT and EMERGENCY repairs.
Gas Servicing remains programmed at the moment, however information and guidance is changing on a daily basis. We will be closely monitoring the situation when new guidance is issued by the Scottish Government or by Saltire.
Our contractor will take the necessary precautions during gas servicing to protect our tenants.
Please contact us on: 01698 687222 if you have an emergency in your home.
If your emergency occurs outside office hours please contact Saltire Gas Repairs on 0845 606 1555 for all gas heating repairs or R&J on 0844 247 2120 for all other emergency repairs.
Our list of emergency repairs are as follows:
When you call us about your emergency repair, we will ask you questions about your current situation and whether you are self-isolating so we can understand how best to protect you and your family, as well as the contractor that attends your home.
Please be patient with us while we ask these questions. These are required to protect the health and wellbeing of you, our staff and our contractors, which is essential in allowing us to maintain services.
If it is deemed essential that a contractor does attend your home, they could:
We will be reviewing our working practices on a daily basis, in line with the latest government guidance, so the best way to keep up to date with us is to use the following means:
t: 01698 687222
Garrion People's Housing Co-operative Limited © All Rights Reserved
Garrion People's Housing Co-operative Ltd is a recognised Scottish Charity. Registered in Scotland No: SC045936